
Greetings from Alumni 协会 总统



As I look back at 2022 there were many memorable moments and highlights for both the 网上赌博网站十大排行 (PSC) and the PSC Alumni 协会. PSC的欢迎 Dr. 克里斯·吉尔默担任新校长. Dr. 吉尔默一直是他的热心支持者 of the PSC Alumni 协会 from the beginning. 我们期待着继续 to build upon our most important partnership between the PSC Alumni 协会 和学院.

For the PSC Alumni 协会, 2022 was an outstanding year. 我们有了第一次 校友参与调查. 你r responses allowed us to create a road map to better 同时帮助学生和校友. Our Board of Directors also got a much-needed influx of new board members who are actively taking on the role of further building the 校友会.

返校活动非常精彩! 我们以校友早午餐开始了这一天, and moved on to the alumni baseball game, as well as men’s and women’s soccer, and ending with the PSC Alumni Awards Banquet. 出席宴会的人最多 在最近的记忆中. From all indications, it was also one of the best overall. 很荣幸 were Nicholas Gardner with the 你ng Alumni Award, Matty Staudt with the Alumni Achievement Award, and Dinah Courrier with the Distinguished Service Award.

Earlier in the year, the PSC Alumni 协会 and WVU PSC Library co-sponsored the Two Regimes Project, an 在线 viewing of the film “Two Regimes – A Mother’s Memoir of the Holodomor and the Holocaust” as part of the 90th anniversary year of the Holodormor atrocities committed by the Soviet regime against Ukraine. 后 the film there was a discussion with the granddaughter of the author, and others from Two Regimes Project tying in both historical and current happenings in Ukraine.

你r donations helped fund five one-time scholarships for the Summer Boost Program, designed to help currently enrolled students increase their cumulative GPA and 在夏季学期获得课程学分. 通过提供这些一次性奖学金, we can help eligible students stay on track for graduation.

We also funded a trip to the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire in Manheim, PA, for students enrolled in fall literature courses, English and Secondary Education English majors, 以及WVU PSC荣誉项目的学生. 这次旅行是为 past 15 years and the 校友会 was pleased to be able to help it continue.

In 2022, the PSC Alumni 协会 provided $1,500 in prizes for the Keyser’s Got 选秀节目. We also authorized $2,000 to help fund a digital recognition screen 为PSC体育部工作. A donation was provided to the American Legion Boyce-Houser Post 41 to help in upgrading the 爱德华。 Kelley Memorial in front of 老凯泽高中. Also, a donation was made to the Catherine Parish Memorial 护理奖学金.

白大褂典礼上的茶点. 这个仪式庆祝学生的入学 into the study of nursing and highlights their commitment to professionalism, humanism, 以及临床研究中的同情心.

Thanks to your generous donations, the PSC Alumni 协会 Scholarship was revived, but we were also able to reach endowment status, allowing us to help needs-based 永久学生. Our first scholarship recipient was named this spring. The scholarship was awarded to Abigail Peace. 阿比盖尔是贝里维尔的生物学专业学生, VA. She was awarded $3,880 for the 2022-23 academic year.

As we move further into 2023, the board is working on continuing to fund the same programs and events as last year, as well as adding new ones. 它承诺会是 更美好的一年!

We have already provided $1,000 for Keyser’s Got Talent first place prize and hope to continue funding many of the same wonderful programs we did last year. 我们是 也在为今年的新项目工作.

我们将 be participating in the WVU Day of Giving on Wednesday, March 22. 我们将 正在推动以下三个基金:

  • Potomac State General Scholarship Fund (2S901)
  • 总统’s Unrestricted Annual Campaign Fund (Science Hall Renovations) (2U113)
  • 网上赌博网站十大排行 Alumni 协会 Scholarship (3Z1076)

你 can read more ab出 WVU Day of Giving in this newsletter and learn how you can participate in giving through出 year.

In cooperation with PSC, we are starting a mentorship program to help students as they move through their college years and transition to the working world. 你 can read more about this program, and volunteer to become a mentor in this newsletter.

我们也会继续表彰优秀的校友. 董事会最近任命了Dr. 爱德华。 Richards as this year’s Whitmore-Gates Scholar — Outstanding Alumni. Dr. 理查兹” name will be engraved on the Scholar’s Wall located on Campus Drive in front of 学院大厅. He will also be honored during PSC Recognition Day on Sunday, April 30. 了解更多网上赌博网站十大排行博士. Richards and his accomplishments in this newsletter.

If you know of a deserving alumnus for one of our awards, please let us know by filling 出 在线 提名表格.

Finally, we would like to thank you for your continued support of the WVU Potomac State College and the PSC Alumni 协会. 我们的会员在 他们贡献的时间、才能和金钱. 您的免税捐赠将继续 to help us support student, faculty, and alumni programs. 作为克里斯托弗总统 Gilmer recently told me, “We would be nowhere without our alumni.”



帕姆 威尔金森

总统 -网上赌博网站十大排行校友 协会

Mailing Address: 堡大道101号, Box 91, Keyser, WV 26726

电子邮件: psc-alumni@mail.网上赌博网站十大排行.edu
