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Campus Happenings

Day of Giving

Wow! 一天之内为网上赌博网站十大排行筹集了63,760美元 3月22日星期三,2023年度捐赠日. This exceeded last year’s total by 1,100 percent. Finishing 17th out of all 44 units participating 在整个系统范围内,PSC也是区域校园中最高的.

我们要向校友洛根·斯科特(Logan Scott)致敬,他是一位广播名人 who is always willing to give back to his alma mater. Logan spent the afternoon 在PSC的电台现场直播,宣传2023年的年度捐赠日. PSC 学生大使Alaissa Martinez, Kamron Dawson和Katelyn Thornton也加入了 the live radio broadcast. Faculty members Dr. Heidi Samuels, Andrea Schafer, JoAnn Burnett, and Molly Alvaro also did live radio remotes.

特别感谢网上赌博网站十大排行PSC校友会的合作 and the staff of the PSC Office of University Relations. An additional thank-you 扩展到WVU基金会的领导和支持.

If you didn’t get a chance to participate, please make an online donation today. Thank you for your support.


West Virginia University, WVU Potomac State College (PSC), and the Center for Excellence in STEM Education have been awarded $749,996 从国家科学基金会(NSF),建立一个更强大的农村管道, low-income biology students at WVU.

The 生物学专业学生成功之路(PASS) 项目旨在招募和留住西弗吉尼亚的学生进入PSC two-year biology program. It also helps project participants transfer to the WVU Morgantown campus four-year biology program, if desired.

Principal STEM的研究员和PSC副教授Sheri Chisholm解释道 这要感谢NSF的资助和PSC招生部门的招聘努力 服务,最多70个奖学金将在六年期间颁发给 eligible high school students to join the PASS project. Each scholarship will total approximately $6,400 per year.

“Our 希望这些奖学金,加上这个项目的量身定制 指导和辅导支持,将激励有才华的高中生 来自农村社区的人可能没有考虑过上大学 重新考虑并报名参加我们的生物课程,”奇泽姆说.

To 他们帮助参与的学生适应大学生活和课程 会上一门以生物学为重点的新生迎新课吗 指定一名生物教员作为他们的顾问和导师. Students 还将参加研讨会和演讲活动,探索职业选择,参与 在研究中,参加辅导会议,并参与协调服务 with other departments. Assistance will also be offered if they wish to 转到任何四年制生物学学士课程或需要帮助完成 their Free Application for Federal Student Aid Form (FAFSA).

In 除了关注学生的成功之外,PASS项目还将关注新学生 基于证据的招生、留用和转学生研究. An advisory WVU STEM领导和教师的董事会将审查PASS项目数据和 制定策略,帮助农村低收入家庭的学生成功完成“二和”学业 四年制生物学课程,并在STEM学科中追求职业生涯.

Director 网上赌博网站十大排行卓越STEM教育中心主任盖伊·斯图尔特表达了她的观点 excitement to serve as a member on the advisory board.

“I’m 很高兴能深入研究并帮助找到提高学生的方法 success among our STEM majors,” Stewart said. “The lessons learned from the PASS项目将帮助我们了解是什么吸引学生从事STEM职业,以及如何吸引学生 我们可以更好地为他们在stem相关领域的学习做好准备 课程,学生成功服务,以及个性化支持,以及如何 帮助转学生在学业上取得成功,”斯图尔特说.

Stewart 补充说,收集和检查的数据也可以扩展到WVU之外,铺设 这是在许多其他高等教育中转变学生在STEM方面成功的基础 education institutions.

Alumni Mentorship Program at PSC

We heard you! 当PSC校友会收到来自 在去年的参与度调查中,到目前为止,被要求最多的项目是指导和帮助 students. 董事会一直在努力与学院合作 to develop the WVU PSC Alumni Mentorship Program.

This 课程的目的是帮助学生获得专业知识,同时建立他们的 professional networks. The students will be teamed up with an alumni mentor, 他们会分享他们的知识和经验,比如职业目标, 网络,教育计划,建立信心和士气,学习和 time management.

The WVU PSC校友导师计划的成功将取决于参与者. To 为此,我们目前正在寻找可能感兴趣的志愿者 mentors. 最棒的是你可以在任何地方进行指导,因为这将是一个 virtual program. 只要花上几个小时做志愿者,你就能做出贡献 huge impact on the next generation of Catamount alumni!

If 如果您有兴趣成为导师并想了解更多信息,请填写 the online intake form. This form is only to gauge your interest. It does not commit you to doing anything with the program.

Lion Statue

Ever Vigilant

Have you ever wondered 网上赌博网站十大排行位于行政大楼前两侧的狮子雕像 steps? 似乎它们一直在那里,但事实并非如此.

The lions were donated by Dr. Joseph Cavallaro. Dr. Cavallaro grew up in Westernport, MD, and became a physician in Greenbrier County, WV. Dr. Cavallaro’s wife, Harriet, was born in Frankford, WV, raised in Keyser, and is a Potomac State College alumnus.

Keyser’s Got Talent Winners

Keyser’s Got Talent Winners

The WVU Potomac 州立大学年度钢琴达人秀提供了一个充满 exciting entertainment. Prize recipients included (left-right): PSC student and 学生会主席卢卡斯·莱蒙兹获得了第一名的荣誉 for his dance and color guard routine to “No Matter What” by Calum Scott; PSC 学生考特尼·巴拉克曼,他的表演《网上赌博网站十大排行》获得第三名 Tones and I; and Ben and Baxter Ritz placed second with their rendition of “Everlong” by Foo Fighters. PSC Campus President Chris Gilmer was in 出席并颁奖的是多元化专家香农·米克 and PSC Alumna Patty Sites.

Mark Your Calendar

  • Fri & Sat, Apr 28 & 29: Athletic Hall of Fame Events
  • Sat, Apr 29: PSC Alumni Board Meeting at 10:00a, in the Mary F. Shipper Library
  • Sun, Apr 30: Recognition Day Ceremony
  • Sat, May 6: Commencement

Remember to check out the PSC Athletic Calendar. Come out and cheer on the Catamounts!